The first Hunan Province Mountaineering Event kicked off on March 23, 2025.
With the sound of the starting gun at 10:00 am, hundreds of participants set off from Mao Zedong Square, making their way towards Shaofeng Peak.
The event was hosted by the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Hunan Broadcasting System. Adopting a new model of "mass sports + sci-tech empowered cultural tourism", it integrated the cultural and tourism resources from across the province to foster a year-round tourism ecological chain featuring "spring outings, summer retreats, autumn sightseeing, and winter snowscapes", aiming to enhance the high-quality development of Hunan's tourism sector.
The launching ceremony was simultaneously held at the main venue at Shaofeng Peak Scenic Area in Shaoshan, and sub-venues in the other 12 cities and one prefecture provincewide. Vertical marathons took place on 14 renowned mountains in Hunan's 13 cities and one prefecture at the same time, with over 5,000 participants joining in.
Hunan Broadcasting System will take this event as an opportunity to continuously deepen integration of culture and tourism, develop tourism IP brands, create a Hunan sample of "media + tourism", and explore a new path for high-quality development of cultural tourism industry.
Mountaineering participants make their way through Shaoshan.
Mountaineering participants set off in Hengyang.
Participants climb Hengshan Mountain.
This article is from the Hunan Provincial Government
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